Starting to get enthusiastic? In that case make sure you start your quest as soon as possible. In case you have no clue where you want to go to try to narrow your options before starting to contact companies. E.g. how are my finances? Do I get homesick easily and want to go somewhere not too far from home? Do I want to attend my placement at a company from a culture that is not too different from the Dutch culture?
Narrowed down your option?
Congratulations, after deciding on the country and/or companies you wish to go to, you can now focus on the preparations, such as saving money and preparing your housing, perhaps language training, visa etcetera. Make sure you also read the checklist below.
Check general internet websites about housing and living costs for the place you wish to go to. Make sure you have a (general) idea of what to expect to make sure your budget is realistic. You might be surprised how cheap or expensive it can be to live in certain places. In addition, check your funding options as mentioned in the chapter Funding.
Cultural experience
A placement is different everywhere. It doesn’t just depend on the country you go to but also on the company where you will be doing your placement. Some companies will, apart from the placement itself, pay you a monthly fee but others won’t. There are also companies who don’t pay fees, but provide you with (their own) student housing. Other companies might be able to help you find accommodation, but it might also be that they tell you to look for housing yourself.
Some companies work with many international interns, who perhaps become your new best friends. In other companies you might be the only intern and could be spending time with other fixed employees after working hours. Prepare yourself and you will be able to learn a lot from a new working environment.
How to prepare for your placement? Make sure that you discuss the subjects mentioned above with your placement company.
- Check websites to get a general costs indication
- Register on the Blackboard information page of your study programme
- Register in OnStage for the correct dossier
- Check your funding options
- Check if you need a visa
- Check insurances
- Check if your passport is valid long enough
- Arrange transportation
- Arrange housing